Eating well with sickle cell disease
With a lifelong disease such as sickle cell disease, it is especially important that you take good care of yourself. Your body may need more energy to deal with the challenges of your disease.1 One simple way of increasing your energy levels is through proper nutrition.1
Here, you will receive nutritional recommendations specifically designed for people with sickle cell disease.

Energy-rich foods
Your body needs lots of energy, as it is hard work dealing with the sickle-shaped, mutated red blood cells.1,2 For this reason, you need, among other things, more protein than healthy people.1,2 You should therefore make sure that you are eating enough. Talk to your treatment team if you feel that you are not getting enough energy from your diet.
What foods are suitable for people with sickle cell disease? Foods with high-quality protein content and high energy content are important.1,3
Animal products such as poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products are good sources of protein.4 If you are vegan or prefer a vegetable-rich diet, nuts, pulses and oats are good alternatives.4 Healthy carbohydrate sources such as wholegrain products, vegetables and fruit also supply the required energy.5
A healthy diet
A healthy diet can be delicious. Find out which healthy foods you enjoy. It is also recommended that fast food, red meat and processed foods be eaten only in

Tips for a balanced diet
Support and additional tips
What you eat can have a significant impact on your sickle cell disease.1
Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist; they will be able to provide you with tips and a personalised nutrition plan.

- Top tips for self-management
- Your wellbeing diary
- Set targets that work for you
- Get the most out of your medical appointments